
sorting the wheat from the chaff

Managing Python projects with pipenv

Pipenv: https://docs.pipenv.org

Pipenv automatically creates a virtualenv, downloads the python version you're interested in, all in two commands. It is the recommended package manager, due to replace pip.

Before, I've been installing python version with pyenv:

$ pyenv install 3.6.4
$ pyenv install 3.5.4
$ pyenv install 2.7.14

Install Pipenv globally:

$ sudo -H pip install pipenv

Now I can use pipenv to install the python version and create the virtualenv:

$ cd ~/myprojects/prj_name/
$ pipenv --python 2.7

A file Pipfile is being created:

$ cat Pipfile
"flake8" = ">=3.3.0,<4"
pytest = "*"
mock = "*"


tests = "bash ./run-tests.sh"

[dev-packages] are for development only (e.g. mock, flake8, pytest, ...), [packages] are your project real dependencies and [scripts] are script bindings (e.g. to execute commands).

Add project dependencies with:

pipenv install <pkg_name>

or simply edit the Pipfile.

If you're migrating from a project using pip and the usual requirements.txt file, simply use pipenv install to automatically read that file, install the packages and create/update the Pipenv file. You can install from a specifif pip file with:

pipenv install --dev -r requirements/dev.txt

After having installed all the packages, create a Pipfile.lock snapshot of the packages installed, each identified by a hash:

$ pipenv lock

Check updates for installed packages: $ pipenv update --outdated

Update a package (will only update Pipfile.lock): $ pipenv update <pkg>

Update all packages (will only update Pipfile.lock): $ pipenv update

Command reference: https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv/blob/master/COMMANDS.md#pyenv-install

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