Link Cleaner +
Here it is, published: Link Cleaner +
Source code here: Link Cleaner + on Github
This is a funny (and I hope useful) project I had forked and, with the help of another friend, moved a bit forward.
§ What is "Link Cleaner +"?
A Firefox extension that "cleans URLs before opening a link, removes trackers, rewrites redirects pages such as of Amazon, Facebook, Steam, Reddit and AMP URLs". As part of keeping a healthy internet browsing habit, I had discovered months ago this interesting extension (the original Link Cleaner). The GitHub page of the project, unfortunately, is riddled with issues, features requests and pull requests left unattended. So after a while we decided to fork the project and try to pick where the project left.
It's a work in progress, but it was important to get out a first version and then iterate.
Anyway, let's a look at it works (and how I'd like to see it improved).
The workflow of a browser extension is pretty much the same for Chrome and Firefox (luckily, since Firefox 57+ and WebExtensions came to the world) both APIs are pretty much the same, therefore much of the code can be shared and easily compile for both platforms.
§ Step 1: clean query params
We first intercept the action of opening a URL:
// Filter out utm_* query parameters
var clean_utm_req = build_query_param_remover(f_match_utm);
urls: ["<all_urls>"],
This function (shortened for clarity) cleans query params from a URL and return a clean new URL.
// Clean URL query params
function link_cleaner(orig_url, shouldRemove) {
var url = new URL(orig_url);
var ret_val = {'redirectUrl': ''};
if ( > 0) {
var params = url.searchParams;
var new_params = new URLSearchParams(params);
var needs_redirect = false;
for (let p of params.keys()) {
if (shouldRemove(p)) {
needs_redirect = true;
// Original URL has been cleaned of nefarious query params
// A redirect URL has been created
if (needs_redirect) { = new_params.toString();
ret_val = {redirectUrl: url.href};
// Clean AMP url (if enabled)
if (settings['clean_amp_links'] === true) {
var cleaned_url = clean_amp(url);
if (cleaned_url.href !== url.href) {
ret_val = {redirectUrl: cleaned_url.href};
return ret_val;
This function is generic enough to be applied to all URLs, example: clean all utm_*
query params:
First we create an anonymous function with a regexp to match, then we invoke a generic query param cleaner (build_query_param_remover
var f_match_utm = p => p.startsWith("utm_");
// a generic entrypoint to invoke the real link cleaner
function build_query_param_remover(shouldRemove) {
return function(requestDetails) {
return link_cleaner(requestDetails.url, shouldRemove);
var clean_utm_req = build_query_param_remover(f_match_utm);
// This is the browser listener we sniff everytime a HTTP request is about to be performed
// apply this rule to any URL
urls: ["<all_urls>"],
§ Step 2: clean URLs
When we want to sanitize the URL itself, we need custom rules for any URL we want to manage. Example:
# from this
# into this:
(code shortened for clarity)
function clean_amazon(url) {
var new_url = document.createElement('a');
let slash_d_index = url.indexOf("/d");
let slash_ref_index = url.indexOf("/ref=", slash_d_index + 2);
if (slash_ref_index > 0 && url.length > slash_ref_index + 1) {
new_url.href = url.substring(0, slash_ref_index + 1);
} else {
url = new URL(url);
if ( > 0) { = "";
new_url.href = url.href;
// scrap SEO friendly text
var dp_idx = new_url.pathname.indexOf('/dp');
if (dp_idx > 0) {
new_url.pathname = new_url.pathname.substring(dp_idx, new_url.pathname.length);
return { redirectUrl: new_url.href };
§ Further thoughts and a wishlist
If you squint enough at the code, you'll see that for every HTTP request the browser does, we run a lot of regexps work. If you're worried about the performance hit, then you are in good company: I'm worried, too.
Regexps are bad. I'd like to run some benchmarks to see if and how much they affect the browser performances. As a side thought, many privacy focusing extensions basically run a lot of regexps against blacklists.
Some of these extensions are noticeably slowing the browsing experience. A possible solution to explore could be using some WASM code to optimize hot code paths. uBlock and HTTPS Everywhere already do that (I didn't check the code, therefore I cannot comment on the results).
Manually adding rules is a time-consuming effort known to be problematic and frustrating (both for users and developers). Without trying to build a complicated tool (such as: a backoffice for end-users to add regexps to the ruleset), one can think of something to (at least) submit their wishes in form of Gihub issues or pull requests. Example: describing a workflow that would lead to an effective pull requests.
- Step 1: Identify the URL you would like to see cleaned
- Step 2: go to Regex 101 and write your rule
- Step 3: open a PR submitting your suggestion and a test case
- Step 4: the CI automatic build would tell if that breaks anything
Such solution would not cover 100% of users, but hopefully we can drive the more technically-inclined to a faster path to merging their suggestion.
Tests are also essential to keep performances under scrutiny.